Mitä on Ginseng?

What is Ginseng?

Ginseng is a plant, more specifically a root.

Different varieties of ginseng root have been used as a treatment in Asia and North America for centuries. In Asian cultures, ginseng has been valued for millennia and is still the most popular natural product there.

Ginseng root comes from several species of plants in the Panax genus. The root is the part of the plant that is most often used for health purposes. Ginseng root looks brown and twisted. The roots of the plant are used, which are collected when they are 4–6 years old. The roots of the plant contain vitamins, sterols and amino acids. The active substances are the saponins contained in ginseng, which are also called ginsenosides. They have a stimulating effect, reduce fatigue and improve immunity. Ginseng is also believed to have effects related to cell production, so many athletes use it to increase performance.

In Western countries, ginseng is often available in powder form in capsules or as such. However, the root can also be chewed on its own or made into tea. Did you know that ginseng is often added to, for example, organic energy drinks and shower gels?

Different species of ginseng

There are two main types of ginseng: Asian or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius). In addition, for example, Siberian ginseng (Russian root) is known for its effects, even though they do not contain the active ingredient of traditional ginsenosides.

Siberian ginseng is traditionally used to improve concentration and bring energy and vitality. It is also known for its adaptogenic effect, which supports the effects of physical, mental and environmental stress on the body and mind.

Bio365 offers Korean ginseng, as it is the most effective of the species. American ginseng is generally considered to have milder effects in studies.

The benefits of ginseng

Ginseng is one of the most studied dietary supplements. Research shows that different types have slightly different benefits. In traditional Chinese medicine, American ginseng is considered less stimulating than the Asian variety.

Ginseng has traditionally been used for several diseases. According to traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng root is used, among other things, to increase the circulation of Jing energy in the body, to improve male fitness and weakness after illness, and to prevent old age weakness.

Korean ginseng supports immunity. It supports endurance and gives energy.

Siberian ginseng improves concentration and helps you cope. It is also known for its adaptogenic effect, which supports the effects of physical, mental and environmental stress on the body and mind. Siberian ginseng is known for its mind-balancing effect.

In general, ginseng increases vitality. It has also long been known to improve mood and increase endurance, as well as to treat fatigue, erectile dysfunction and menopause. Those suffering from these can get relief by using a ginseng dietary supplement.

Strengthens immunity.

Ginseng can strengthen the immune system. It is especially good for fighting against external or internal conditions, for example in the cold season.

Regulates blood sugar.

Several human studies have shown that ginseng can help lower blood sugar.

Improves concentration.

Ginseng can give a small, short-term boost to concentration and learning. In some studies on mental performance, ginseng has been combined with ginkgo leaf extract, another traditional medicine that is also said to provide support in the treatment of dementia.

Reduces inflammation.

The anti-inflammatory effect of ginseng has been known since ancient times.

Dosage and use of ginseng

Standard doses of ginseng have not been established for any symptom. The quality and active ingredients of supplements can vary greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer. This makes it difficult to determine a standard dose.

Bio365 offers only the highest quality natural Korean and Siberian ginseng powders in capsules. Follow the product-specific dosage and usage recommendations.

You can get ginseng as a dietary supplement in the form of tea, dried herbs, powder or capsules.

Experts recommend that you should not use ginseng for more than 3 months or sometimes only for a few weeks. This is due to the adaptogenic properties of ginseng. With continuous long-term use, the body's habituation to adaptive methods is avoided.

Ginseng supplements

Ginseng is a best-selling supplement that comes in different forms. It is also often added to various products in small quantities. At Bio365, such products include, for example, energizing food supplements.

As a tablet or capsule, you can take ginseng supplements orally with water. These pills typically contain a ground root or extract. They may contain different types of ginseng. Bio365 offers high-quality Korean ginseng (panax ginseng) and Siberian ginseng.

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