Propolis - Luonnon antibiootti

Propolis - Nature's antibiotic

Bees are important to the natural ecosystem and biodiversity that we all depend on for our survival. They pollinate wild trees and flowers, which then support other insects, birds, bats, mammals, and everything higher up the food chain for food and shelter. In addition, they make honey and other medicinal and health-enhancing compounds useful to humans, such as propolis, bee pollen and royal jelly. In this article, we will delve into the world of propolis, explore its origin, composition and the various ways in which it contributes to human well-being.

The healing properties of propolis

Propolis is often hailed as "nature's antibiotic". This resinous substance - derived from these amazing insects, bees - plays a crucial role in building and protecting the nest. Its benefits extend far beyond the bee colony and provide us with various health benefits as well.

Propolis, also known as bee glue, is a waxy substance that bees collect and collect from the buds and sap of certain trees and plants such as birch, poplar and alder. The word propolis is derived from the Greek words "pro" and "polis", which mean "defending the city". Bees use propolis to seal and protect the hive, which strengthens structural integrity and forms a barrier against external threats and pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. This natural shield not only protects the nest, but also contains a treasure trove of bioactive compounds with potentially powerful health benefits. Propolis is primarily composed of flavonoids, including chrysin, quercetin, galangin, and pinocembrin, which are known for their antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

The connection of propolis to supporting the immune system and increasing immunity

Propolis is a versatile miracle that nature has gifted us. Propolis and its extracts have numerous applications in the treatment of various ailments due to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal and immunomodulating properties, the latter of which is one of the most significant properties of propolis. The polyphenols and flavonoids contained in propolis act as immunomodulators, strengthening the body's defense mechanisms and strengthening its ability to resist infections and diseases. The immune system is stimulated by activating macrophages and increasing the production of antibodies. One of the advantages of propolis is that pathogens do not develop resistance to it, making it an ideal supplement during the winter months to support the immune system and increase general immunity.

Here are some health benefits that propolis can have:

Immune system support

Propolis is known for its properties that strengthen the immune system. The combination of polyphenols and flavonoids helps to modulate the immune response, which promotes the body's ability to fight infection and disease, making it a wonderful natural treatment to support the treatment of colds and respiratory diseases.

Antimicrobial activity

The antimicrobial properties of propolis are due to its high concentration of bioactive compounds. It has demonstrated effectiveness against a variety of bacteria, viruses and fungi, making it a natural alternative to traditional antibiotics.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Inflammation is a common factor in many chronic diseases. The anti-inflammatory properties of propolis help relieve inflammation and can thus relieve, for example, arthritis and inflammatory skin diseases.

Allergy modulating

Studies have shown that propolis can prevent the release of histamine from mast cells, modulation allergies and related symptoms.

Skin health

Propolis has a protective and soothing effect on the skin. It can help treat acne and hyperpigmentation and reduce redness and wrinkles.

Blood pressure control

Propolis helps ensure that we have adequate levels of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels, increases blood circulation and reduces plaque growth and blood clotting.

Wound healing

Propolis has been used for centuries to promote wound healing. Its antimicrobial and tissue-regenerating properties make it a valuable natural remedy for wounds, burns and skin infections.

Oral health

With its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, propolis promotes oral health. It is included in many oral care products and is recognized for its ability to fight bacteria associated with cavities and gum disease. We often forget that oral health is closely related to our overall well-being, so taking care of our teeth and gums is just as important as taking care of other systems in our body.

Antioxidant power

The high antioxidant content of propolis helps to neutralize free radicals, protect cells from damage and contribute to reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Free radicals and the oxidative stress they cause are at the root of many ailments today, including chronic disease, aging, cognitive decline, and physical pain.

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Propolis Forte extract

Propolis Forte organic herbal drops contain concentrated amounts of propolis extract and offer a convenient and concentrated way to utilize the potential health benefits of this remarkable substance. Fresh propolis is used at 10% per liter of tincture.

Finely ground putty wax is macerated for at least three weeks in water and alcohol and stirred every day. This combination of water and alcohol allows for the extraction of most of the active compounds. The macerate is then decanted and the remaining mass is pressed.

The result of this filtration process is a clear solution that has gone through the traditional production process, resulting in a safe and sufficient hydroalcoholic extract.